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Georgia 4th Avery's Cavalry (Confederate)


Battle - Shiloh - Hardin County, Tennessee

Thumbnail for Shiloh

On the morning of April 6, 1862, 40,000 Confederate soldiers under the command of Gen. Albert Sidney Johnston poured out of the nearby woods and struck the encamped divisions of Union soldiers occupying ground near Pittsburg Landing on the Tennessee River.READ MORE


Organized - Georgia 4th Avery's Cavalry - Georgia


Battle - Olustee - Baker County, Florida

Thumbnail for Olustee

In February 1864, the commander of the Union Department of the South, Maj. Gen. Quincy A. Gillmore, launched an expedition into Florida to secure Union enclaves, sever Rebel supply routes, and recruit black soldiers. Brig. Gen. Truman Seymour moved his 5,500-man force from Jacksonville deep into the state, meeting little resistance. On February 20th, as he advanced toward Lake City, he approached Brig. Gen. Joseph Finegan's 5,000 Confederates entrenched in an open pine woods near Olustee. Finegan send forw…READ MORE


Leadership Change - Regiment - Colonel Isaac W. Avery


Leadership Change - Brigade - Brigadier General Alfred Iverson

Brigadier GeneralAlfred Iverson


Battle - Atlanta - Fulton County, Georgia; DeKalb County, Georgia

Thumbnail for Atlanta

Despite the defeat at Peach Tree Creek, Confederate Lieut. Gen. John Bell Hood still had hopes of driving Maj. Gen. William T. Sherman's Yankees from the outskirts of Atlanta with an offensive blow. On the night of July 21, 1864, Hood ordered Lt. Gen. William J. Hardee's corps to make 15-mile night march and assault the Union left flank east of the city, held by Maj. Gen. James B. McPherson's Army of the Tennessee. Joining the attack with Hardee would be the corps of Maj. Gen. Benjamin Cheatham. Hood attac…READ MORE


Mustered Out - Georgia 4th Avery's Cavalry - Georgia

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