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Index record for

CLARKE, Wilwood Alexander Sandys

UK, Soldiers Awards from the London Gazette, 1898-1944

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Fold3_Team  ·  31/10/2023

Gazette Information: VICTORIA CROSS,: Lieutenant Wilwood Alexander Sandys Clarke, The Loyal North Lancashire Regiment. On 23rd April 1943 at Guiriat El Atach, Tunisia, Lieutenant Clarke's company were counter-attacked and almost wiped out, he being the sole remaining officer. Although wounded in the head he gathered a composite platoon together and advancing to attack the position again met heavy fire from a machine-gun post. He manoeuvred his men to give covering fire and then tackled the post single-handed, killing or capturing the crew and knocking out the gun. He dealt similarly with two other posts and then led his platoon to the objective, but was killed when he later went forward to tackle two sniper posts single-handed.