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Index record for

NEWLAND, James Ernest

UK, Soldiers Awards from the London Gazette, 1898-1944

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Fold3_Team  ·  31/10/2023

Gazette Information: GAZETTE ISSUE 30122, VICTORIA CROSS,: His Majesty the KING has been graciously pleased to approve of the award of the Victoria Cross to the undermentioned:- Captain James Ernest Newland, Infantry Battalion, Australian Imperial Force. For most conspicuous bravery and devotion to duty, in the face of heavy odds, on three separate occasions between 7th/9th April 1917 at Bapaume, Cambrai Road, West of Boursies and on 15th April 1917 north-east of Lagnicourt, France. On the first occasion he organised the attack by his company on a most important objective, and led personally, under heavy fire, a bombing attack. He then rallied his company, which had suffered heavy casualties, and he was one of the first to reach the objective. On the following night his company, holding the captured position, was heavily counter-attacked. By his personal exertion, utter disregard of fire, and judicious use of reserves, he succeeded in dispersing the enemy and regaining the position. On a subsequent occasion, when the company on his left was overpowered and his own company attacked from the rear, he drove off a combined attack which had developed from these directions. These attacks were renewed three of four times, and it was Captain Newland's tenacity and disregard for his own safety that encouraged the men to hold out. The stand made by this officer was of the greatest importance, and produced far-reaching results. MENTIONED IN DESPATCHES,: GAZETTE ISSUE 29890, MENTIONED IN DESPATCHES by General Sir Douglas Haig, G.C.B., Commander-in-Chief of the British Armies in France, to the Secretary of State for War, for distinguished and gallant services and devotion to duty.