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Lt Col Harry Stewart Jr.

World War II · US Army · Lieutenant Colonel

Rank: Lieutenant Colonel
United States of America
Harry-Stewart.pngAdded by: AmericanPatriot1775Lt. Colonel Harry Stewart
Screenshot 2020-03-31 at 12.28.59 PM.pngAdded by: AmericanPatriot1775Lt. Colonel Harry Stewart with his squadron
Screenshot 2020-03-31 at 12.35.04 PM.pngAdded by: AmericanPatriot1775Mr. Fredrick Henry and Lt. Col. Harry Stewart, both documented original Tuskegee Airmen and WWII veterans
Harry-Stewart-Red-Tail-Tuskegee-Airmen.jpgAdded by: AmericanPatriot1775Mr. Harry Stewart in a P-51 Mustang
Lt. Col. Harry Stewart_Jim Graham.jpgAdded by: AmericanPatriot1775Lt. Col Harry Stewart becomes honorary Delta captain.
0601-NWS-BHR-L-ltcolharrystewart004.jpgAdded by: AmericanPatriot1775Lt. Colonel Stewart flying
170224-O-F3752-0001.JPGAdded by: AmericanPatriot1775Lt. Colonel Harry Stewart and his team with 1949 USAF Fighter Gunnery trophy.
4004c6ca394364732d50ac2e8e61235f200.jpegAdded by: AmericanPatriot1775Lt. Col Harry Stewart in his custom made Mustang that resembles his P-51 Mustang.
e5b3a2e9-cf48-4303-8038-2a4a1cde6f0c-2019-0526-rb-me-tuskegee-airman003.jpgAdded by: AmericanPatriot1775Lt. Col Harry Stewart with his model P-51 Mustang
maxresdefault.jpgAdded by: AmericanPatriot1775Lt. Col Harry Stewart next to a plane
5ce849feb0225.image.jpgAdded by: AmericanPatriot1775Lt. Colonel Harry Stewart showing his P-51 Mustang model
hqdefault.jpgAdded by: AmericanPatriot1775Lt. Colonel Harry Stewart at the American Veterans Center interview
photo22p117_jpg_0 (1).jpgAdded by: AmericanPatriot1775Lt. Colonel Harry Stewart in his P-51 Mustang
925971fa4134346daff1be9b783afa3c.jpgAdded by: AmericanPatriot1775WASP Jane Doyle and Tuskegee Airman Harry Stewart at Oshkosh in 2017 with the WASP and Red Tail Squadron in the background.
5c05a73cde1c9.image.jpgAdded by: AmericanPatriot1775Lt. Colonel Harry Stewart
5ce849f4117e9.image.jpgAdded by: AmericanPatriot1775Lt. Colonel Harry Stewart at his home in Michigan.
694940094001_6045692590001_6045694856001-vs.jpgAdded by: AmericanPatriot1775Lt. Colonel Harry Stewart on "Fox and Friends"
48366afc-77b5-430a-8b58-920af5f3add4-2019-0526-rb-me-tuskegee-airman026.jpgAdded by: AmericanPatriot1775A photograph of Lt. Col. Harry Stewart Jr., right, with fellow Tuskegee Airman Leon Spears from Denver during a leave in Naples, Italy, in 1945
nc_tuskegeeai2_150220.jpgAdded by: AmericanPatriot1775Lt. Colonel Harry Stewart
0601-NWS-BHR-L-LtColHarryStewartWWII.jpgAdded by: AmericanPatriot1775Lt. Colonel Harry Stewart in fighter pilot's gear
fms-p-51d-mustang-red-tail-1700mm-67-wingspan-pnp-motion-rc-26224794188_1024x1024.jpgAdded by: AmericanPatriot1775P-51 Mustang
Distinguished-Flying-Cross.jpgAdded by: AmericanPatriot1775Distinguished Flying Cross
a-flight-of-red-tails-oil-tommy-anderson.jpgAdded by: AmericanPatriot1775Red Tails Flying
MAN_140_2_0212_014_img001.jpgAdded by: AmericanPatriot1775P-51 Mustang
CAF_RT_SQ_logo_grey_tagline-1.pngAdded by: AmericanPatriot1775An organization that Lt. Colonel Harry Stewart is part of
Bf-109G-10.jpgAdded by: AmericanPatriot1775This is what the planes Lt. Colonel Harry Stewart shot down looked like
Return-of-the-Red-Tails.jpgAdded by: AmericanPatriot1775Return-of-the-Red-Tails.jpg