␀›Michael Joseph Joyce
- Publication:
- US, Naturalization Petitions of the U.S. District Court, 1820-1930, and Circuit Court, 1820-1911, for the Western District of Pennsylvania, 1820-1930
- Court:
- Records of the US Circuit and District Courts: Declarations of Intent and Petitions for Naturalizations, Oct 1820-Jan 1931
- Date of Court Document:
- [Blank]
- Immigrant Full Name:
- Michael Joseph Joyce
- Document Type:
- Oath of Allegiance
- Home Country:
- Ireland
- First Witness's name:
- [Blank]
- Year Immigrated:
- 1915
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About US, Naturalization Petitions of the U.S. District Court, 1820-1930, and Circuit Court, 1820-1911, for the Western District of Pennsylvania, 1820-1930
NARA M1537. Naturalization petitions of the U.S. District Court, 1820-1930, and the Circuit Court, 1820-1911, for the Western District of Pennsylvania.