rom Wikipedia~Quanah Parker (c. late 1840s - February 23, 1911) was a Native American leader, the son of Comanche chief Peta Nocona and "Anglo-Texan" Cynthia Ann Parker, and the last chief of the Quahadi Comanche Indians.
rom Wikipedia~Quanah Parker (c. late 1840s - February 23, 1911) was a Native American leader, the son of Comanche chief Peta Nocona and "Anglo-Texan" Cynthia Ann Parker, and the last chief of the Quahadi Comanche Indians.
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Modified: 26/11/2007
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Forces War Records, Quanah Parker & The Comanche Nation (https://nz.forceswarrecords.com/subject/1928/quanah-parker-the-comanche-nation : accessed 12/12/2024), database and images, https://nz.forceswarrecords.com/subject/1928/quanah-parker-the-comanche-nation