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John F Agee

World War II · US Army

United States of America
Thumbnail for 7thAF.30thBG.392ndBS.patches.pngAdded by: dwgarvey27thAF.30thBG.392ndBS.patches.png
Thumbnail for Map.392nd.BS.Pacific.pngAdded by: dwgarvey2Map.392nd.BS.Pacific.png
Thumbnail for Agee.John.Ft.Worth.Star.Telegram.16.Jul.1943.jpgAdded by: dwgarvey2Agee.John.Ft.Worth.Star.Telegram.16.Jul.1943.jpg
Thumbnail for Agee.John.Ft.Worth.Star.Telegram.20.Jan.1944.jpgAdded by: dwgarvey2Agee.John.Ft.Worth.Star.Telegram.20.Jan.1944.jpg
Thumbnail for Agee.John.Ft.Worth.Star.Telegram.02.Feb.1945.jpgAdded by: dwgarvey2Agee.John.Ft.Worth.Star.Telegram.02.Feb.1945.jpg
Thumbnail for Air.Medal_small.jpgAdded by: dwgarvey2Air.Medal_small.jpg
Thumbnail for 392nd's B-24s at Saipan Aug 1944, repair tents in foreground.PNGAdded by: dwgarvey2392nd's B-24s at Saipan Aug 1944, repair tents in foreground.PNG
Thumbnail for Flight.Crew.Lt.Trewitt.cropped.JPGAdded by: dwgarvey2Back (L to R): Warner (Navigator), Acker (Bombardier), Agee (Co-Pilot), Trewitt (Pilot); Front: Davis (Nose Gunner), Bennett (Ball Turret Gunner), Fleming (Tail Gunner), Holquin (Waist Gunner), Graves (Radio Operator), Williams (Waist Gunner)
Thumbnail for Flight.Crew.Lt.Trewitt2.cropped.JPGAdded by: dwgarvey2Flight.Crew.Lt.Trewitt2.cropped.JPG
Thumbnail for Agee.John.F1.JPGAdded by: dwgarvey2Agee.John.F1.JPG
Thumbnail for Page 1Added by: dwgarvey2 Lt. William Troutman, 112 McKeeport Road, Elizabeth, PA, oceanographer and forecaster, goes over maps and charts. Bomber crewmen in Mae West and flying suits are (L to R) Lt. John F. Agee, 2943 6th Ave., Fort Worth, TX, co-pilot; Lt. Farley W. Warner, 3108 Roxbury Road, Birmingham, AL, Navigator; and Lt. Herbert O Broemer, Rt. 4, San Antonio, TX, pilot
Thumbnail for Agee.John.F9.jpgAdded by: dwgarvey2Agee.John.F9.jpg