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Karle's Story


arle Reinke was my maternal grandfather and although I was just seven years old when he died, I still have clear memories of the man. I remember him holding a small garter snake so I could pet its cold smooth skin as he explained why I shouldn’t be afraid of it. I remember the big tire swing in his back yard on which he would send me flying high into the sky. I remember his patience and gentleness with a little girl full of energy and endless questions. I still wish he’d lived long enough for me and his other six grandchildren to know him better. Tracing Karle’s origins has helped me answer some of the questions about our genetic history. This project has also reminded me that what’s most important about a person is his legacy rather than his heritage. Karle’s legacy is alive and going strong today in the classrooms of his granddaughters.

Birth- 28/08/1880
Tjøtta, Nordland, Norway
Immigration to US
Jun 1903
Residence: To
Residence: From
Place of Residence
Flandreau, Moody County, South Dakota
Death- 15/01/1951-Age: 70 years
Crookston, Minnesota
Also known as
Thora Danielson
Full Name
Thora Strand
Bernt Didrik Danielsen
Anna Margareta Peterson
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Modified: 11/10/2013

View Count: 368(Recent: 1)

Forces War Records, Karle's Story ( : accessed 13/12/2024), database and images,

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