Diplomatic despatches received from Francis W Dana, 1780-83.›
- Publication:
- US, Miscellaneous Papers of the Continental Congress, 1774-1789
- Document Description:
- Diplomatic despatches received from Francis W Dana, 1780-83.
- Document Type:
- Despatch
- Author:
- Francis W. Dana
- Date Range:
- 1780 - 1783
- Page:
- 193
- Subject:
- Subject:
- Abstract:
- Congress. Resolve re armed neutrality and peace. 1 p. Copy.. (Printed in Journals,. 1783,p. 631-632)
- Frame Number:
- 293
View the actual high resolution document.
About US, Miscellaneous Papers of the Continental Congress, 1774-1789
NARA M332. When the records of the Papers of the Continental Congress were first arranged in 1834, these documents were not included.
Source Information
Forces War Records, US, Miscellaneous Papers of the Continental Congress, 1774-1789 (https://nz.forceswarrecords.com/document/5279200/diplomatic-despatches-received-from-francis-w-dana-1780-83-page-193-us-continental-congress-misc-177 : accessed 1/12/2024), database and images, https://nz.forceswarrecords.com/document/5279200/diplomatic-despatches-received-from-francis-w-dana-1780-83-page-193-us-continental-congress-misc-177
- Publication Title
- US, Continental Congress - Misc, 1774-1789
- Total Records
- 6,939 Complete: 100%
- Content Source
- The National Archives
- Publication Number
- M332
- Record Group
- 360
- Published on Forces War Records
- 30 January 2007
- Last Updated
- 30 January 2007
Related Records
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- US, Admiralty Final Record Books of the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Florida (Key West), 1829-1911
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