Rest & Relaxation›CC41654
- Publication:
- US, Photographs of US Army Operations in Vietnam, 1963-1973
- Category:
- Military Life
- Browse Subject:
- Rest & Relaxation
- Subject Description:
- Rest & Relaxation
- Date:
- 27 Jun 1967
- Photo ID:
- CC41654
- NARA Reference Number:
- 111-CCV-454-CC41654
- Conflict Period:
- Vietnam War
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About US, Photographs of US Army Operations in Vietnam, 1963-1973
Photos of activities in Vietnam in which the U.S. Army was engaged, including combat scenes, defoliation, military ceremonies, combat scenes, and other actions and related troops
Source Information
Forces War Records, US, Photographs of US Army Operations in Vietnam, 1963-1973 ( : accessed 3/12/2024), database and images,
- Publication Title
- US, Photos - Vietnam War Army, 1963-1973
- Total Records
- 39,199 Complete: 100%
- Content Source
- The National Archives
- Record Group
- 111
- Published on Forces War Records
- 15 January 2010
- Last Updated
- 20 March 2013
Related Records
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